At mile 15, a friend handed him a pair of dry socks. A little gesture that helped a big man walk another 11 miles to victory.
What little gesture has someone offered you that made a difference in your life? What word or gift helped you to go on--that inspired you not to give up? Who handed you a clean pair of socks? I'd love to hear your comments below.
And let's also think about who we can offer a clean pair of socks. There is someone walking your way right now that can use such a little gesture of support and care today. They may be a stranger that needs a smile or a wife that needs a "thank you" or a friend that needs a call. The line of people is endless.
You hold a pair of dry socks in your hands every day for someone who needs it. Hand them out as they pass by. Help someone else to keep going in this common race of ours called "life". Your little gesture can make all the difference for someone who is just now making it to mile 15.
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