Although dogs are known around the world as man's best friend, they can also act like a man or woman's best spouse! Some dogs treat their owners better then some husbands treat their wives, or some wives treat their husbands. That may sound pretty cold, but a lot of spouses treat their wife or husband pretty cold. We can learn some lessons (and new tricks) from our friends with paws.
Consider three traits of the average dog. One, they seem genuinely happy to see you again. Not just when you come home after work. They seem happy to see you pretty much all of the time, breakfast, lunch, dinner, front yard, back yard. If they could smile, they would. I'd swear that some dogs actually look like they're smiling.
Trait number two. They don't hold grudges. A dog could be neglected, left alone for hours or put in a kennel for a week while you go to Hawaii, but he's not mad when he sees you again. He's elated. You accidentally step on his tail and he comes to you for comfort. No hard feelings. No keeping records of wrongs or holding onto hard feelings for weeks or months.
Dog trait number three. They have consistent moods. They aren't up one day and down the next. Their moods are reliable. They will probably treat you the same today as yesterday, and the same tomorrow. Predictable, reliable, and consistent. Most people don't wonder what mood their dog will be in when they get home.
Maybe its not fair to compare spouses with dogs. They're not as emotionally complex or intelligent as humans. But that's also the point. Is your dog better at consistently loving your spouse than you are? If you are smarter than a dog, than do you also greet your spouse at the door with a smile when he or she comes home? Do you show your spouse that you missed him or her? Unlike dogs that can't text message (they would if they could), do you ever text your love to your spouse?
Do you hold grudges against your spouse for little things? If he or she stepped on your tail, do you resent them for years, or talk it out and get over it? Lastly, are you consistent and reliable with your affection, time and attention to your spouse? Or can you go for days without having one hour of a quality talk with your beloved? Or without a date, or five-second passionate kiss? How consistent and reliable are you for him or her? Maybe man's best friend can remind us how to be a wife's best friend, or a husband's best friend. Don't let a dog be a better spouse than you are.
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