The Good Life is Not Only in La Jolla

What does "the good life" mean to you? While walking along an ocean bluff with my wife in La Jolla, I stumbled upon a house that made me suddenly stop and ask this age old question. As we came over a hill with a panoramic view of the blue Pacific below, I spotted the biggest home I have ever seen. This newly constructed mansion not only has the best ocean view around, it must also be one of the biggest homes in California. Had I found the answer to life's oldest question? Were we looking at the good life with our very own eyes?

As my wife and I walked back to our hotel , the answer was obvious. The good life means appreciating the good things we all have in our lives, whether that includes a mansion, apartment or shack. It means being good to yourself and doing good for others. It means opening your eyes to all the good things around you. Your life is as good as you make it to be and as good as you see it to be. Holding my wife's hand on a walk by the ocean is about as good as it gets for me.

What's good in your life? Even when there is plenty of bad around you, make sure to focus on the good around you too. And do good to others. The prophet Micah gave us a timeless answer to the question of the good life. "He (God) has shown you what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8). Want a good life? Act justly like this. Want a good marriage and family life? Love mercy like this. Want the good life--even if you don't live on an ocean bluff? Do good to those around you and the good life will by yours on whatever trail you walk.
